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Up Close - Transforming City Spaces with Interior Designers

Living in a house that doesn’t feel like home? Well, you are not alone. Thousands of our customers, most of them living in busy cities like New York, London, Tokyo, and Hong Kong, experience one problem in common - they find it hard to make their dwelling restore the intimacy and coziness of a home. And interior designers around the world are no stranger to this issue.

As a part of our ongoing ‘Up Close’ series, we got a chance to speak with Ksenia, an interior designer based in Dubai, and Lisa, an Italian architectural visualizer. Together they helped us achieve a more precise perspective of this modern-day conundrum and here we are - sharing our awakening with you!

Ksenia interior designer

Interior Design Inspiration

While one can easily go to the basics and make things right, interior designers like Lisa look forward to ditching the boundaries basic principles have built. Today, interior design has become a matter of choice. 

And choices are very much defined by things that inspire you. As an interior designer that is not bogged down by traditions, Lisa finds it very easy to get inspired by nature.

“I get inspired by the light, most of the time”, Lisa shares. “I like to look around; photographs and landscapes are what inspire me the most”. She believes light, natural or artificial, is what brings any interior design project to life, and we cannot agree more.

Ksenia, however, finds inspiration in the shapes, compositions, and combinations she finds in nature. We found that very interesting as customers living in cities hardly get a chance to make nature-driven changes to their houses.

Favourite Aspect of Interior Design

Next, we went onto talk about some of the most historic buildings ever made and how they gave architecture and design a whole new meaning. Lisa, who prefers minimalistic designs, is amazed by Moroccan architecture, especially how they build their courtyards and hidden gardens. 

She’s also impressed by the use of natural elements and materials in Scandinavian architecture. However, she makes sure her designs don’t come out as a bit too harsh. Preserving the warmth of a home is what she recommends.

Ksenia was all smiles when asked about her favourite room to decorate. “The living room, as it’s the heart of the home; a place where everyone gathers every day”, she adds. For her, the living room combines lots of meaning. Lisa has a different story to tell. Although she focuses on all parts of her home, her priority at the moment is to set up her kid’s room.

However, Lisa still prefers designing dining-living rooms. Just like Ksenia, she believes in designs that bring a family together. As an Italian herself, she and her family spend quite a lot of time around in the hall talking, eating, and sharing laughs.



Lisa Interior Designer 

Turning a House into a Home 

But, how can a newbie turn things around in their house? How can they make a house feel like home, especially in big and busy cities? “Look around!”, Lisa exclaims. “As an owner, you need to understand what YOU like; try to remember where did you feel home the last time”. Lisa recommends taking help from the people there to understand the changes required.

Ksenia shared a very interesting and practical tip for all the first-time homeowners out there. “Change the wall colour straight away”, she asserts. “It’s an easy and affordable way to make a house look unique.” She advises making some accent walls and compliment them with accessories that share the same colour pallet. 

Give Your House a New Look!

We know, we know. It’s not easy. But, with the right help, you can achieve what you want out of your house. And believe it when we say - we are here to help you out! Check out our wide range of products that can assist you with your interior designing goals. Connect with us to know more!

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